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Sunday, August 13, 2006

The Dirty Girls

The Dirty Girls
Originally uploaded by LaMinch.
OK, read the following for evidence of insanity..... The Muddy Buddy is a wonderful event, teams of two run and cycle around a course approximately 6 miles long, one sets off on a bike and the other runs. The one on the bike reaches a transition point, leaves the bike for their partner and then clambers over an obstacle. They then run the next section and the first runner eventually reaches the transition point and sets off on the bike after completing the same obstacle. Does that make any sense at all ? Basically you alternate between running and cycling and complete an obstacle at each transition point. Eventually you reach the obstacle from which the event derives its name. The Mud Pit !!! The first to reach it has to wait for their 'buddy', then together you crawl through a mud pit up to your neck - see the photo above for a picture of the two of us covered in -by this time - dry and crusty mud!!!!
It was great fun. The day started at 5am when we set off from Austin for the National Park in which it was taking part. I was worried we wouldn't find it - we hadn't bothered to print off a copy of the map. I needn't have worried; in the pitch black of early morning we found ourselves part of a convoy of trucks and SUV's all with a bike attached to the back heading out of Austin. It was rather exciting and resulted in two rather giggly sleep deprived hyper women - the excitement knocked at least 15 years off our ages!! The heat was intense but if you take enough water on board you're fine. if anything it was too short and we both wished we could have been pushed a bit harder. I'd do it again in a shot !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you filthy filthy pitters! sounds fantastic although getting Col on a bike and running would be pushing it (she's used to a mud pit). K&Cx

3:01 am  
Blogger KP said...

I thought we could set up our own course around Chorlton water park, plenty of mud after one of Manchester's rainy days !

1:19 am  

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