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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Why ?

If there is one thing that I will never get used to in this city, it is the high levels of homelessness. I have never seen anything like it. It is particularly bad around the UN Plaza, the Civic Centre and the Market Street. I have no idea why San Francisco in particular should be hard hit by this problem and it is the same every time I visit, it doesn’t matter what the weather or time of year. Maybe we just do a better job at disguising the problem in the UK, maybe we do have a better system in place for helping some of the homeless in our cities and we just don’t realize it. Whatever the situation it is another example of the extremes in this country ; in a city that is known for it’s wonderful lifestyle, access to some of the most beautiful areas of countryside, fine dining, extravagant homes and apartments, you have one of the biggest problems of homelessness I have ever come across. Where is the logic ?


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